Book a session.

It can all start now. Book a session with Cheryl to begin or continue your fitness lifestyle. Sessions can be one on one, or with up to 3 people. All sessions are customized to your goals and your style. Equipment is provided. Contact for more information.


BEI Fitness is an all inclusive fitness training company.  We believe that fitness is for everyone and will work directly with you to ensure an enjoyable and rewarding training session.  We believe in open communications with all clients.   We value the safety and comfort of all our clients.  Trainers are fully certified with BCRPA and hold current First Aid and CPR training. 

Clients are required to wear appropriate work out clothing and runners to all training sessions.  If sessions are to take place outdoors, appropriate layers are required.  All equipment required will be provided by BEI Fitness. 


All clients must complete a full client history and receive an assessment from the trainer before starting any fitness program.  Clients who purchase personal training session(s) will receive one full assessment included with the initial purchase. The full assessment will be conducted prior to the first training session. Additional assessments will be made at intervals as mutually agreed upon by the trainer and the client. 

Cancellation Policy
There is a minimum 24-hour cancellation notice for any workout session. “No-show”, last minute cancellations or last minute re-scheduled appointments will be charged the full amount for the missed session. Exceptions to this rule will be dealt with on an individual basis and are at the discretion of trainer.

Disclosure Statement

BEI Fitness and the employees of BEI Fitness do not release, sell or distribute any personal information obtained during the assessment and/or training process to third parties. Trainers must first ask and be granted the permission of the participant to disclose any of the information originally given to the trainer.